Reordering a NSFetchedResultsController

Check out the original article.

I’m working with a NSFetchedResultsController backed UITableView.  Up until now I’ve just been ordering the items by the time they were added.

I’m moving on to Delete and Edit.  Editing the content itself isn’t needed, once an item is added to this list, it can’t be changed. Deleting is straightforward in

(void)controller:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller
didChangeObject:(id)anObject atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
forChangeType:(NSFetchedResultsChangeType)type newIndexPath:(NSIndexPath
*)newIndexPath {

With reordering, I have a conundrum.  I have an approach for the actual re-order that will have the View and the data playing nice. But, now I need to persist the order.  I don’t have a property in Core Data for this (yet).  I’m trying to figure out what to set this property to. The brute force approach is to use the indexPath of the cell.  I have concerns with this.  Adding an item automatically puts it at the top of the list. This would give it an index of 0 (I only have 1 section).  But, then I would have to update the order property of every other item in the list. The same goes for moving: each item and every item in between (I can luckily skip the outer bounds) will have to be updated. I don’t like this. There has to be a better way, I just need to figure it out.

Some kind of indexPath+hash? indexPath+integer?

Eventually I’ll reach a list size where I run into performance problems with the brute force approach. The cop out would be to limit the size of the list. I don’t want to do that either.  I don’t know if I’ll go to the extreme of Brent Simmons’ data set of 30,000 items from Daring Fireball’s archive, but I want to shoot for that.

I’ll update this post with my progress

Update 2014-05-31 01:02 PM

This is a great starting point for dealing with reordering. I was on the right track with only dealing with the differences between items that get moved.  Dragging an item way down on a list may(?) not happen much, it’s annoying to do. I think I’m going with that assumption for now.  I still don’t feel great about the number of updates for an insert…

Batch fetch/update/save is my starting point

Update 2014-06-06 04:04 PM

It looks like iOS 8 might have better bulk update support. Downloading this session now


@brentsimmons You might like the Core Data video. new NSBatchUpdateRequest api with a “mark all as read” example as the demo

-- solsberg (@solsberg) [June 6,
